Adonis vernalis L.

1117 (1). A. vernalis L., Sp. Pl. ed. 1 (1753) 547; Hayek, Prodr. Fl. Penins. Balc. I (1924) 348; A. vernalis var. bulgarica Vel, Fl. Bulg. Supl. I (1898)3; Hayek, 1. c. — Пролетен горицвет

Fam:   Ranunculaceae Juss.
Genus:   Adonis L.
Species: Adonis vernalis L.
English Name: Pheasant's eye, Spring pheasant's eye, Yellow pheasant's eye and False hellebore


Perennial plant. The rhizome powerful, horizontally or laced with numerous black-brown to black roots. Stems most often several, rarely single, at the beginning of flowering 5 - 20 cm, after over-blossoming to 30 - 40 cm tall, erect or deflected, smooth, unbroken or in the upper part slightly branched, densely wrapped, at the base jacketed with brown testicles flakes, without basal leaves. The stem leaves are sessile, broadly ovate, 2 - 4 times feathery divided, with narrow linear, up to 1 mm wide and 1 - 2 cm long entire shares. The blossoms 4 - 5.5 cm (8) cm in diameter, erect, located on the top of the stem and branches. Sepals 5 - 8, 12 - 20 mm long, about 12 mm wide, ovate to broad ovate or elliptical, blunt, greenish, more or less tenderly fibrous. Petals 10 - 24, 20 - 35 (42) mm long and 5 - 12 mm wide, bright yellow, elongated elliptic up to back reclined lance, mostly in the upper part unevenly slightly jagged. The stamens are numerous, spirally located at the bottom of a conical blossom bed. The stamen stems are 4.5 - 6 mm long, monochromatic, yellow, naked. Anthers yellow. The assembled fruit is about 20 mm long and about 12 mm wide, apocarpous, ovate to oblong globular, composed of 30 - 40 densely arranged back ovoid nuts, 3.5 - 5.5 mm long and about 3 mm wide, wrinkled, fibrous, curly curled out and down the nose.

Business significance. The whole plant contains glycosides that act on cardiac activity. The overhead under the name Herba Adonidis is widely used in medical practice for the treatment of certain cardiovascular diseases. Recommended as a decorative plant.

From „Флора на НР България”, том IV, БАН, София, (1970)

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Adonis vernalis, known variously as pheasant's eye, spring pheasant's eye, yellow pheasant's eye and false hellebore, is a perennial flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae It is found in dry meadows and steppes in Eurasia. Isolated populations are found from Spain in the west across Central Europe with fine examples in Valais, Switzerland, and southern Europe, reaching southern Sweden in the north and Abruzzo in the south,[1] with its main area of distribution being the Pannonian Basin and the West Siberian Plain.[2] In contrast to most other European Adonis species, the flowers appear in springtime, and are up to 80 mm in diameter, with up to 20 bright yellow petals.
The plant is poisonous, containing cardiostimulant compounds, such as adonidin and aconitic acid.[3] In addition, it is often used as an ornamental plant.[4]
(Green false hellebore, sometimes also called simply "false hellebore," is Veratrum viride, a member of the lily family.)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Flowering Time: Blooms: II - IV (VI).

References: „Флора на НР България”, том IV, БАН, София, (1970), Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Distribution in Bulgaria: Grow on dry rocky places, in meadows and pastures, mostly on limestone terrain. Northeastern Bulgaria, Eastern Prebalkan, Eastern Stara Planina mountain, Sofia region, Znepol region, Vitosha region, Tundzha hilly plain, sea level up to 1100 m altitude. (Conspectus of the Bulgarian Vascular Flora) = conspectus&gs_l= Zlc.

Distribution: Central, Eastern and Southern Europe, Caucasus, Siberia.

Conservation status and threats: not protected species in Bulgaria by the Biodiversity Law. - Biological Diversity Act -

Medical plant: yes, it is - Medicinal Plants Act -

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.


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