Alcea heldreichii (Boiss.) Boiss.

2047 (3). A. heldreichii (Boiss.) Boiss., Fl. Or. I (1867) 832; Vel., Fl. Bulg. (1891) 100; Zohary, Israel J. Bot. XII, 1 (1963) 7; Webb, Fl. Eur. II (1968) 254; Althaea heldreichii Boiss., Diagn. Pl.. Or. Nov. Ser. 2,1 (1853) 103; Стоян. Стеф., Фл. Бълг. изд. 1, II (1925) 745; Hayek, Prodr. Fl. Penins. Balc. I (1925) 553 — Хелдрайхова алцея 

Fam: Malvaceae Juss. 
Genus:  Alcea L.
Species: Alcea heldreichii (Boiss.) Boiss.
English Name: no English name found


Perennial plant. The roots are spindle shaped, slightly branched. Stems 25 - 60 (70) cm high, erect, simple or sparsely branched, greyish green, in the lower parts with rarer, upper ones with dense, short, fitting and long star-shaped hairs with ascending rays and single glandular hairs, thick fat to bear. Stipules 4 - 7 mm long, lance, usually bipartite, rarely tripartite, on both sides with short, fitting and long, star-shaped hairs with ascending rays, fringed on the edge. Leaves 25 - 50 mm long and 20 - 60 mm wide, heart-shaped or ovoid rhombic, entire or with 3 - 5 (rarely 7) vaguely outlined obtuse, round toothed shares, greyish green; top with more or less thick, long, star-shaped hairs with ascending rays; bottom with thick, short fitting and long star-shaped hairs with ascending rays; petioles 5 - 80 mm long, grayish greenish, with short, fitting and long star-shaped hairs with ascending rays, thickly fibrous. Blossom petioles up to 5 mm long, thick, with fruit elongated (15 - 20 mm), erect. The flowers are numerous, single or 2 - 3 in the bosom of the leaves, in the apper parts of the stems and branches in dense classy inflorescences. External sepals 6 - 7 (9) mm long, fused to half, 6 - 7 triangular to linear tapered free shares; outside with thick, mostly long, star-shaped hairs with ascending rays; inside with sparse, simple hairs attached to the bare; inner 15 - 18 mm long, large to small longitudinally furrowed, fused to 1/3, with 5 ovoid triangular, blunt free shares; outside with short, fitting and long star-shaped hairs with ascending rays, thickly fibrous; fibrous to bare; in the case of fruit slightly expanding (up to 20 mm), covering the latter. Petals 20 - 30 mm long, not covering their edges; back ovate, deeply incised at the apex; fingernail densely long silky fibrous; white or pink. Stamens 5 - 6 mm long, naked. Fruit 13 - 20 mm in diameter, decaying from 30 - 40 light brown to dark brown fruiting shares; the dorsal wall of the latter with a deep longitudinal groove, wrinkled; star-shaped hairs in the groove; lateral walls glabrous, the peripheral part deeply radially wrinkled, the median shallower, the central meshwork ridged; ribs wrinkled, continuing in slightly divergent winged wings. Seeds are reddish-brown, with white bubbles.

From:   „Флора на Н Р България”, том VII, БАН, София, (1979)

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Alcea heldreichii (Boiss.) Boiss. is an accepted name

This name is the accepted name of a species in the genus Alcea (family Malvaceae).
The record derives from WCSP (in review) which reports it as an accepted name with original publication details: Fl. Orient. 1: 832 1867.
Full publication details for this name can be found in IPNI:


See "Status", "Confidence level", "Source" for definitions.


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Flowering Time: Blooms: VII - VIII.

Distribution in Bulgaria: Growing on dry stony and rocky places, in the plains, hills and mountains. Znepolski region, Western Border Mountains, Struma Valley, Rila, Middle Rhodopes (above Asenovgrad), Thracian Plain, from 150 to 1100 m altitude. It is mentioned for the Black Sea coast (Ahtopol - Cheshmedzhiev, 1977) and for the Western Rhodopes (Vandas, 1909).(Conspectus of the Bulgarian Vascular Flora) = conspectus&gs_l= Zlc.

Distribution: Southeastern Europe (Greece, Yugoslavia - Macedonia), Southern Ukraine.

Conservation status and threats: not protected species in Bulgaria by the Biodiversity Law. - Biological Diversity Act -

Medical plant: no, it is not medical plant - Medicinal Plants Act -

References: „Флора на Н Р България”, том VII, БАН, София, (1979),

1. 2.3. 4. 5.


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