Carex caryophyllea La Tour
412 (28). C. caryophyllea La Tour. Chlor. lugdun (1785) 27; C. verna Chaix ex Vill. Hist Pl. Dauph. I (1786) 312 ib. II (1787) 204; Hayek Prodr. Fl. Penins. Bale. III (1933) 174; Ахтаров Родът Carex в България (1957) 68; C. praecox Jacq. Fl. Austr. V (1778) 23 ex p. nоn Schreb. — Пролетна острица
Fam: Cyperaceae J. St. Hill.
Genus: Carex L.
Species: Carex caryophyllea La Tour
English Name: Vernal sedge, Spring-sedgeDescription:
Perennial light or gray-green, loose tufted plant, with a thin creeping rhizome and thin, short or long shoots. Rhizome covered with torn brown or dark gray membranous growths. Stems thin, erect, ± semi-curved, tall (5) 10 - 30 (50) cm, obtusely triangular, almost smooth, slightly rough at the top, not longer than the leaves. Leaves with gray-brown or light brown vaginas and folded, with a pronounced dorsal edge at the bottom and flat at the top finely rough petioles, 2 - 3.5 mm wide, folded or curved, with folded back edges. The inflorescence is wide, consists of 2 - 4 close spikelets, the lower bracts with a short vagina and a leaf blade shorter than the inflorescence. The upper spikelets male, back ovoid, up to 3 cm long, with light rusty, at the end. narrowly membranous, slightly pointed cover flskes. The remaining 2 - 3 spikletes female, dense, 0.5 - 1 cm long, the uppermost of them sessile, the lower with petioles. Their cover flakes broadly ovate, convex, prickly pointed, with a light or green rough dorsal edge at the top, equal to or longer than the fruiting sacs. The fruiting sacs are ovoid, convexly three-walled, at first straw green, later brown, rarely tufted at the top, with 6 to 7 obscure veins, rounded at the base, suddenly narrowed at the top into a short conical nose. Stigma 3. The fruit is a nut with a light tip and base
var. caryophyllea; var. typica Aschefs. et Graebn. Son. II, 2 (1902). Widespread.
var. mollis (Host) Aschers. et Graebn. Son. II, 2 (1-902) 126; Hayek Prodr. Fl. Penins. Balc. III (1933) 174; C. mollis Host Gram. Austr. I (1801) 52. The cover flakes gradually narrow and end with an axil - a continuation of the midrib equal to 1/2 of the length of the flake. Lyulin.Economic importance. Good pasture grass. It is eaten satisfactorily by sheep and large domestic herbivores from early spring to late autumn.
From: „Флора на Н. Р. България”, том II, БАН, София, (1964)
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Carex caryophyllea is a species of plant in the family Cyperaceae first described by Marc Antoine Louis Claret de La Tourrette. Two varieties are listed in the World Checklist of Selected Plant Families:[1]
- Carex caryophyllea var. caryophyllea — temperate regions of the Old World
- Carex caryophyllea var. microtricha (Franch.) Kük. — Far East, Korea, North and Central Japan
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Flowering Time: Blooms: III - V.
Distribution in Bulgaria: It grows in shady places in the lowlands, on the hills, in the foothills and in the high mountain pastures. It may be found at whole Bulgaria. (Conspectus of the Bulgarian Vascular Flora) = conspectus&gs_l= Zlc.Distribution: Northern and Central Europe, the Balkan Peninsula, the coast of the Sea of Azov, Crimea, Siberia, Atlantic North America.
Conservation status and threats: not protected species in Bulgaria by the Biodiversity Law. - Biological Diversity Act -
Medical plant: no, it is not - Medicinal Plants Act -
References: „Флора на Н. Р. България”, том II, БАН, София, (1964), Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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