Cota triumfettii (L.) J. Gay

3133 (7). C. triumfettii (L.) J. Gay in Guss., Fl. Sicul. Syn. 2 (1845) 867; Anthemis tinctoria var. triumfettii L., Sp. Pl. ed. 1 (1753) 896; A. triumfettii (L.) All., Fl. Pedem. 1 (1785) 187; Hayek, Prodr. Fl. Penins. Balc. 2 (1931) 619; Gnerson, Fl. Turkey 5 (1975) 213; R.R. Fernandes, Fl. Eur. IV (1976) 158; A. tinctoria subsp. triumfettii (L.) DC., Fl. Fr. 5 (1815) 483, Стоян., Стеф., Фл. Бълг. изд. 1,2 (1925) 1122; A. rigescens Willd., Enum. PL Horti Berol. 1 (1806) t. 62 - Права кота, триумфетиево подрумиче

Fam:   Asteraceae (Compositae)
Genus:   Cota J. Gay
Species: Cota triumfettii (L.) J. Gay
English Name: not found common name


Perennial plant. Rhizome short, vertical, brown with numerous lateral roots. Stems single to few, in the upper part thyroid-branched, (30) 60 -90 cm high, green to brown-green, dense to dilute simple white fibrous (rarely to almost glabrous), thin dark longitudinally ribbed, leafy to the petioles of the baskets . Leaves outline ovate-elliptic, sessile, up to 13 - 14 cm long, with diluted lying down gray simple hairs to almost naked, deeply divided into 3 - 7 pairs of oblong, short-pointed, pointed, serrated to double-feathery flat shares. Baskets hemispherical, 20 - 40 (50) mm in diameter, the disc (12) 15 - 18 mm in diameter, single on the tops of stems and twigs on long 5 - 20 cm petioles, in fruit ripening not thickened. The wrap at the base is concave to varying degrees; cover leaves gray-green; outer oblong-elliptic to linearly triangular, sharply pointed tips; tips and middle veins greenish or dark brown, membranous at the edge, pointed to ciliated; middle and inner linearly elliptical, greenish or brown at the edge; middle veins green-brown, just fibrous, on the edge filed to ciliated. Tongue flowers white, rarely white-greenish or absent, tongues 1 - 1.8 (2.0) cm long; tubular numerous, yellow, wreath tube at base is not broadened. Bracts oblong-lance, suddenly narrowed into an elongated pointed tip, membranous at the edge, slightly longer than the tubular flowers. Fruits wedge-shaped back pyramidal, rhombic in cross section, 1.8 - 2 cm long, brown to light brown, with 2 wider and 2 - 4 (5) intermediate, obscure edges; crown clearly developed, at (1/4) 1/3 - 1/2 of the length of the seed, hair, cut serrated, membranous cartilaginous, brownish.


Var. triumphetti. The tongue blossoms are white. Western border mountains (Osogovo mountain).
Var. discoidea (All.) Kuzmanov & Ch. Gussev. comb, nova .; Chamaemelum discoideum All., Fl. Pedem. 1 (1785) 188. The tongue blossoms undeveloped, tongues missing. Urdina mountain (Daschan well), Rila (Dupnitsa).

There is a range of forms with white tongue flowers in three species, considered by a number of authors with different taxonomic status, sometimes within 1 lineon - Cota tinctoria: C. tinctoria var. pallida, C. triumfetti (differs from the previous one in the height and branching of the stem and especially in the flat, grassy green, unfolded leaves; along the tongue of the radial flowers and sharply narrowed bracts) and C. parnassica (the stem is lower, recumbent or ascending, the leaflets obtuse; the bracts sharply narrowed). More detailed studies of this range of related forms, including experimental ones, may show the reasons for the mixing of transitions (cf. Grierson, 1975).

From:   „Флора на Република България”, том XI, БАН, Академично издателство „Проф. Марин Дринов”, София, (2013)

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Cota triumfetti (L.) J.Gay is an accepted name

This name is the accepted name of a species in the genus Cota (family Compositae).
The record derives from TICA (data supplied on 2012-02-11) which reports it as an accepted name (record 0B2AA40F-56A6-4ACC-981B-B567D7AFEE28) with original publication details: 867 1845.


See "Status", "Confidence level", "Source" for definitions.

Cota triumfetti (L.) J.Gay — The Plant List › gcc-112420

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Cota triumfettii er en flerårig urt i kurvplantefamilien.
Den ligner på gul gåseblom, men har hvite randkroner. Bladene er mindre hårete under, og bladflikene er ofte dypere innskåret. Arten vokser i submediterran skog sammen med blant europahumlebøk og duneik. Cota triumfettii er utbredt i Sør-Europa og Vest-Asia fra Portugal i vest østover til Zagros- og Elburzfjellene i Iran.


·  «Anthemis triumfettii». Info Flora. Besøkt 15. november 2019.
·  W. Greuter (2006). «Cota triumfettii». Compositae (pro parte majore). – I: W. Greuter og E. von Raab-Straube (red.): Compositae. Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity. Besøkt 15. november 2019.
·  M.A. Alizadeh, N. Adeli og A.A. Jafari (2015). «Variation and relationships of shoot yield, morphological and phenological traits in chamomile populations (Anthemis triumfettii)». Journal of Medicinal Plants and By-products. 4 (1): 111–119. ISSN 2588-3739.

Fra Wikipedia, den frie encyklopedi

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Flowering Time: : V - VIII, fruitful: VI - X.

Distribution in Bulgaria: Growing in wooded, grassy and rocky places, in the mountains and foothills, rarely. Western border mountains (Osogovo mountain), Rila, between 300 and 1500 m altitude. It is indicated for: Strandzha (Malko Tarnovo - Stoyan., Stef., 1925), Rui Square (Urum., 1905), Rudina Square (Toshev, 1903). (Conspectus of the Bulgarian Vascular Flora) = conspectus&gs_l= Zlc.

Distribution: South Europe

Conservation status and threats: not ? protected species in Bulgaria by the Biodiversity Law. - Biological Diversity Act -

Medical plant: it is not ? - Medicinal Plants Act -

References: „Флора на Република България”, том XI, БАН, Академично издателство „Проф. Марин Дринов”, София, (2013), › gcc-112420 , Wikipedia, den frie encyklopedi

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