Crocus bifiorus Mill.

605 (1). C. bifiorus Mill. Gard. Dict. ed. 8 (1768) no. 4; C. pasilius Ten. Cat. Hort. Neap. (1813) 206; C. italiciis Gaud. FL Heiv. I (1828) 88; Hayek Prodr. Fl. Penins. Balc. III (1933) 114. — Двуцветен минзухар

Fam:   Iridaceae Lindl.
Genus:   Crocus L.
Species: Crocus bifiorus Mill.
English Name: Silvery crocus


Perennials. Tuber-bulb spherical, with shell consisting of leather scales degraded in the lower part of the ring segments. Overground part with blossoms 10 - 14 cm. The leaves 1 - 2 mm wide, with convex wide keel (1/2 lamina), naked or with rare short teeth, develop together with blossoms. Spatha consists of two leafs, longer than the vagina. The blossomss most often 2, violet or whitish with 3 - 5 darker stripes on foreign shares. Perianth with hairs at the opening of the tube. Stamens orange, stems verrucose, shorter than anthers. The bar to the middle of slashed anthers 3, orange, stamens equal to or slightly longer than them. Cumulus seeds with short similar to the small bristles formations, tan with a lighter appendage and stitching.


var. violaceus Boiss. Fl. Or. V (1884) 112. Sharess violet, outer with 3 - 5 darker stripes. Widespread.

From  „Флора на НР България”, том II, БАН, София, (1964)

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Crocus biflorus, the silvery crocus,[1] is a species of flowering plant in the genus Crocus of the family Iridaceae, native to southeastern Europe and southwestern Asia, including Italy, the Balkans, Ukraine, Turkey, Caucasus, Iraq, and Iran.[2] It is a cormous perennial growing to 6 cm (2.4 in) tall and wide. It is a highly variable species, with flowers in shades of pale mauve or white, often with darker stripes on the outer tepals. The flowers appear early in spring.[3]


According to the taxonomic classification proposed by Brian Mathew in 1982, C. biflorus falls within the series Biflori of the section Nudiscapus within the genus Crocus. However, modern DNA analysis is challenging whether the series Biflori can be separated from the Reticulati and Speciosi series.[4] At least 21 subspecies of C. biflorus have been named; furthermore numerous cultivars have been raised for garden use.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Flowering Time: Blooms: II - V.

References: „Флора на НР България”, том II, БАН, София, (1964), Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Distribution in Bulgaria: Grow in the dry grassy places and rare shrubs throughout Bulgaria. It grows over 1000 meters altitude. (Conspectus of the Bulgarian Vascular Flora) = conspectus&gs_l= Zlc.

Distribution: Balkan Peninsula, Italy.

Conservation status and threats: not protected species in Bulgaria by the Biodiversity Law. - Biological Diversity Act -

Medical plant: it is not - Medicinal Plants Act -

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Crocus adamii

Private communication
By all indications, this is Crocus adamii. But, it may be something completely new! My colleagues from Germany at this moment working with the help of molecular studies of Balkan populations of Crocus adamii, and my assistant works comparative morpho-anatomical Research. Fund. Balkan populations are very different from Turkish. But time will tell. For now, it's Crocus adamii :-)
Best regards,
Vladimir Ranjelovic

To Prof., Dr. Vladimir Ranjelovic gratitude for the assistance provided

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Full Name

Crocus adami J.Gay

Basionym of

Taxonomic status

synonym of Crocus biflorus subsp. adami (J.Gay) K.Richt.
From Checklist View – GBIF

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Crocus biflorus subsp. adami (J.Gay) K.Richt.

This taxon is accepted by World Checklist of Selected Plant Families
Notes: Distribution: NW. Balkan Pen. to Iran

Found in



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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


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