Genus Adonis L.
Род 307 (20). ГОРИЦВЕТ — ADONIS L.¹
L., Sp. Pl. ed. 1 (1753) 547 ; Gen. Pl. ed. 5 (1754) 242.
Fam: Ranunculaceae Juss.
Genus: Adonis L.
English Name: The autumn adonisDescription: Annual or perennial herbaceous plants with erect stems. Leaves without stipule, several times irregularly dichotomous devided or 1 - 2 times feathery with irregularly dichotomous devided with linear or filamentary shares. The flowers are relatively large, regular, single on the top of the stem and its branches, without bracts. Sepals 5 - 8, green or visibly dyed. Petals 5 - 24, with no nectal glands. Multiple stamens spirally located at the bottom of the blossom bed, with yellow or dark purplish blue to black anthers. The apocarcinum, consisting of 20 to 60 fruiting carpels, each with a single-seeded one-seeded ovary. The composite fruit composed of single-breasted nuts spirally placed on a conical or cylindrical flower bed. Nuts different in shape and size, straight or curved nose formed as a result of the growth of the post. They are visited by insects, multiplied by seeds.
Business significance. All members of the genus are poisonous and are not accepted by herbivores. They contain cardiac glycosides. In folk medicine all representatives of various diseases are used. Honey plants. They are recommended for culture as decorative. Annual representatives are weed growers.
Table for determining of the species
1 Perennials. Petals 10 - 24. The anthers yellow. Fruit nuts filamentary with a curly-bent curved outward nose or nose curved from the outside and tightly adhered to the walnut wall …….......................................................................................................................................................................……… 2
1* Annual plants. Petals 5 - 8. Dark purple to black anthers. Nuts naked, with more or less erect or curled in the nose ................................................. 3
2 Leaf shares narrower than 1 mm, naked. Blossoms 4 - 5.5 (8) cm in diameter. The nuts with a curly curved nose .......................... 1. - A vernalis L.
2* Leaf shares more than 1 mm thick. Blossoms 2 - 3.5 cm in diameter. Walnuts with a strong curve, tightly attached to the wrist nose ........................... .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2. - A. wolgensis Stev.
3 Sepals filamentary ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
3* Sepals nude ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
4 Nose of the nuts on the top black. The sepals clinging to the petals. The stamen stems at the top tinted as the anthers ............... 4. - A flammea Jacq.
4* The nose of the nuts green. The sepals spread out up to the inverted, separated from the petals. The white stamen stemes ................. 3. - A. annua L.
5 The mature nuts 3.5 - 4.5 mm long, their inner rim convex with the axis of the inflorescence a blunt angle ..................................... 5. - A. aestivalis L.
5* The mature nuts 2,5 - 3,5 mm long, their inner rim convex with the axis of the inflorescence acute angle ..................................... - A. microcarpa DC.¹ Developed by P. Panov and Iv. Assenov
From „Флора на НР България”, том IV, БАН, София, (1970) * * *
Adonis is a genus of about 20–30 species of flowering plants of the crowfoot family, Ranunculaceae, native to Europe and Asia.
The species grow to 10–40 centimetres (3.9–15.7 in) in height, with feathery, finely divided leaves. Their flowers are red, yellow or orange and have 5–30 petals. The Autumn Adonis, pheasant's-eye (A. annua), has flowers with bright red petals.
The generic name Adonis refers to the mythic character Adonis, a lover of the goddess Aphrodite or Venus. According to the Metamorphoses of Ovid[1] the anemone, also of the family Ranunculaceae, was created when Venus sprinkled nectar on his blood.From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* * *
References: „Флора на НР България”, том IV, БАН, София, (1970), Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Distribution in Bulgaria: (Conspectus of the Bulgarian Vascular Flora) = conspectus&gs_l= Zlc.
Adonis aestivalis L. - Summer pheasant's-eye
Adonis vernalis L. - Pheasant's eye, Spring pheasant's eye, Yellow pheasant's eye and False hellebore
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