Genus Anthemis L.

Род 111 (26). ПОДРУМИЧЕ - ANTHEMIS L.¹
L., Sp. Pl. ed. 1 (1753) 893; Gen. Pl. ed. 5 (1754) 381; Greuter, Med-Checklist 2 (2008) 21

Fam:   Asteraceae (Compositae)
Genus:  Anthemis L.
English Name: Chamomile, Dog-fennel or Mayweed


Small shrubs, semi-shrubs or more often perennials to annuals diluteа fibrous to fibrous herbaceous plants. Stems numerous to single, erect, rarely lay down or ascending. Leaves consecutive, herbaceous, usually simple to triple feather-like endowed, rarely serrsted to entire; on petioles or sat down. Baskets heterogamous or self pollination (cleistogamy), hemispherical to ovoid or conical, with many blossoms, singly on petioles at the tips of stems and twigs. Enveloping leaflets in 3 - 4 rows, unequal, tile-like overlapping; the outer ones narrower and shorter than the inner ones. Flower bed conical, ovoid, back ovoid or hemispherical, rarely almost cylindrical, dense, glabrous or only in the upper half with bract flakes. The blossoms are unevenly colored; outermost lingual, female, white, yellow or cream; the tongue of the tip with 2 – 3 teeth; internal bisexual, tubular, yellow, corolla apex with 5 teeth. Anthers linear, basically without appendages. The style with linear, thin partitions. Fruits uniform, rarely outer and middle slightly different, pyramidal wedge-shaped (almost round or square in cross section), more or less dorsal abdominal flattened, glabrous, rarely fibrous, without secretory ducts and mucous cells, with longitudinal edges. The kite is missing either in the form of a membranous or cartilaginous, symmetrical or asymmetrical, whole or divided crown. Insect pollinators; propagated by seeds and rhizome shoots.

Table for determination of the species

1   Tongue blossoms undeveloped ...................................................................................................................................................... 2
1* Tongue blossoms developed .......................................................................................................................................................... 3
2   Blossom bed hemispherical or conversely ovoid; the crown of the fruit seeds 0.5 - 1.5 mm high, rarely only in the form of a sharp edge ................................................................................................................................................................................... 3. - A. cretica L.
2* Blossom bed short conical or elongated ovoid, pointed; the crown of the fruit seeds 0.1 - 0.2 mm high or missing ............................. ...................................................................................................................................................................... 4 - 7 group A. tenuiloba
3   Tongue blossoms yellow, bright yellow to pale yellow ................................................................................... 9. - A virescens Velen.
3* Tongue blossoms white, pale yellow or cream .................................................................................................................................. 4
4    Bracts developed only in the upper part of the blossom bed  ................................................................................... 13. - A. cotula L.
4* The bracts developed from the base of the blossom bed .................................................................................................................... 5
5   Annual or biennial plants ................................................................................................................................................................. 11
5* Perennial, usually rhizome plants ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
6   Leaves entire to shallowly divided, but not feather-like divided; stems 15 - 20 (25) cm high ................................................................. ............................................................................................................................... 1. - A. argyrophylla (Halacsy & S. Georgiev) Velen.
6* At least the basal leaves are feather-like divided ................................................................................................................................. 7
7   Bracts fibrous ............................................................................................................................................... 4 - 7 group A. tenuiloba
7* Bracts naked ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
8   Blossom bed hemispherical to back ovoid .......................................................................................................................................... 9
8* The blossom bed is conical, pointed ................................................................................................................................................. 10
9   Bract shells at the apex cut tridentate, with long awn, shorter than the tubular blossoms; leaf sections (1) 1.5 - 3 mm wide  ............................................................................................................................................................................. 2. - A. carpatica Willd.
9* The bracts at the apex are obtuse, short-ciliated, short-stemmed, equal to the tubular flowers; leaf sections 1 - 2 mm wide ............................................................................... 3. - A. cretica L.
10   The leaves are dense fibrous; baskets (6) 10 - 20 (25) mm in diameter ........................................................... 4 - 7 group A. tenuiloba
10* Leaves glabrous or sparsely to moderately fibrous; the baskets (5) 7 - 25 mm in diameter ............... 8. - A. macedonica Boiss. & Orph.
11 (5 *) The outer fruit seeds with thick edges, with a bubbly consistency ................................................................................................. 12
11* Outer fruit seeds with thin edges, without bubbly consistency ............................................................................................................. 13
12   Fruit seeds with one-sided (ear-shaped) (0.5) 1 (1.75) mm high crown, almost equal in length to the fruit seed ...................................... …………………………………...................................................................................................…………..... 11. - A. auriculata Boiss.
12* Fruit seeds with low asymmetrical collar or low symmetrical edge ................................................................ 12. - A. ruthenica M. Bieb.
13   The petioles of the baskets at fruit ripening are often clearly thickened; fruit seeds 1.8 - 2 mm long, with (6) 9 - 10 (11) ribs, extended at the top, with a wide wreath or a low 0.2 - 0.3 mm high crown ....................................................................................................... 10. A. arvensis L.
13* The petioles of the baskets during the ripening of the fruits are not thickened, the fruit seeds are 1 - 1.8 mm long, with 4 ribs on the top, with a crown 0.5 - 0.7 mm high ................................................................................................. .................................. 8. - A. macedonica Boiss. & Orph.

¹ Developed by † B. Kuzmanov and Ch. Gusev.

From:   „Флора на Република България”, том XI, БАН, Академично издателство „Проф. Марин Дринов”, София, (2013)

*     *     *     *     *
Anthemis arvensis, also known as corn chamomile, mayweed, scentless chamomile,[5] or field chamomile[6][7] is a species of flowering plant the genus Anthemis, in the aster family. It is used as an ornamental plant.


Macaronesia: Azores, Canary Islands
Northern Africa: Algeria, Tunisia
Western Asia: Sinai, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Turkey
Caucasus: Georgia, North Caucasus
Northern Europe: Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom
Central Europe: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany, Hungary, Netherlands, Poland, Switzerland
East Europe: Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine, Crimea
Southeastern Europe: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Crete, Italy, Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Sardinia, Serbia, Sicily, Slovenia
Southwestern Europe: France Corsica, Portugal, Spain, Balearic Islands
Widely naturalized in North and South America, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and parts of Asia.[8][9][10][11][12][13]


Subspecies accepted by the Plant List maintained by Kew Gardens in London[2]

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*     *     *     *     *

Distribution in Bulgaria: (Conspectus of the Bulgarian Vascular Flora) = conspectus&gs_l= Zlc.

References: „Флора на Република България”, том XI, БАН, Академично издателство „Проф. Марин Дринов”, София, (2013), Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Anthemis arvensis L. - Corn chamomile, Mayweed, Scentless chamomile, or Field chamomile


© K.Nanev


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