Genus Arabis L. Род 348(22). ГЪШАРКА — ARABIS L.¹
L., Sp. PI. ed. 1 (1753) 664; Gen. PI. ed. 5(1754)298
Fam: Cruciferae Juss. (Brassicaceae)
Genus: Arabis L.
English Name: RockressDescription: Annual, biennial or perennial herbaceous plants with not branched, branched, two-part and stellated hairs, rarely glabrous. The root is spindle-shaped. Stems simple or branched, erect or ascending. Basal leaves most often assembled into a rosette, with petioles, entire or serrated. Stem leaves usually many, sessile, at the base with ears or narrowed. Inflorescences thyroid clustered or clustered. Sepals erect; the outer ones at the base are often baggy expanded. Petals back ovate oblong, narrowed into nail, white, purple or yellow. Stamens without teeth. Nectar glands at the base of the short stamens annular, open on the inside; the middle bipartite, free or joined to the lateral, sometimes missing. The fruit is narrowly linear, the ovary with 20 - 60 seedlings. Style very short or missing, lance flat or spherical, slightly duple. Fruits linear, most commonly flattened pods. The lids are flat, reticulated and most often with a well-defined midrib. The partition wall is thin, its epidermal cells irregularly polygonal, with highly wavy cell membranes. Seeds unilateral, flat, with or without wing margin. Mostly cross-pollinated, some likely self-pollinated. Propagated by seeds.
Table for determination of the species:
1 Stem leaves at the base heart-shaped or arrow-shaped, with rounded or pointed ears ............................................................................. 2
1* Stem leaves at the base narrowed, rounded or slightly heart-shaped, without ears ........................................................................…..…. 7
2 Inflorescence at the bottom with bracts. Pods 8 - 15 cm long and more than 2 mm wide, with maturation slightly arcuate curved and all one-sided horizontally deviated, almost parallel to each other ............................................................................................ 6. — A turrita L.
2* Inflorescence without leaves. Pods up to 7 cm long and up to 2 mm wide, when ripe, erect, adjoining the axis or inclined in different directions ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
3 Loose, tufted plant at the base with long, branched, rooting and ending with sterile leaf rosettes aboveground shoots ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 12. — A alpina L.
3* Plant at the base without aboveground shoots, not forming tuffs ............................................................................................................... 4
4 The pods slightly or many deviate from the axis of the inflorescence ....................................................................................................... 5
4* The pods stand up and fit to the axis of the inflorescence .......................................................................................................................... 6
5 Petals 2 - 4 mm long. The pods are usually shorter than 3 cm and narrower than 1 mm. The caps with only one midrib clearly visible. Petioles of the pods 2 - 5 mm long ..…………….............................................................................................................. 7. — A recta Vill.
5* Petals 4 - 6 mm long. The pods are most often longer than 3 cm and wider than 1 mm. The caps with a noticeable midrib and two lateral veins parallel to it. The petioles of the pods 5 - 16 mm long .............................................................................................. 8. — A nova Vill.
6 Stems at the bottom with numerous, spreading, not branched and few 2- to 3-lobed hairs. Fibrous leaves ............................................. ...................................................................................................................................................................... 2. — A . sagittata (Bertol.) DC.
6* Stems completely naked. Leaves glabrous or just marginally ciliate, with short not branched or double-lobed hairs ................................ .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 3. — A. allionii DC.
7 Stem leaves at least 10. Inflorescence with more than 20 flowers. The petioles of the pods and pods are erect and firmly aligned with the axis of the inflorescence ......................................................................................................................................... 1. — A. hirsuta (L.) Scop.
7* Stem leaves 2 - 10. Inflorescence with up to 20 flowers. The pods are slightly deviated from the axis .................................................... 8
8 Leaves bare or just at the edge and midrib with two-parted hairs ............................................................................................................ 9
8* Leaves on both sides covered with bipartite or star-branched hairs ........................................................................................................ 10
9 Plant with thin creeping shoots. Leaves on top with short tooth, on the edge with two-part hairs attached. The pods up to 1 mm wide .................................................................................................................................................................. 9. — A. procurrens Waldst. et Kit.
9* Plant without shoots. Leaves on the top without tooth, on the edge bare or with spreading hairs. The pods are 1.8 - 2 mm wide ............................................................................................................................................................................... 11. — A. jacquinii G. Beck
10 Leaves entire, on both sides and along the edges, with fit , oriented along the length of the leaves and almost parallel to each other hairs. The pods are 1.5 - 2.5 cm long …………........................................................................... 10. — A. ferdinandi-cobargti J. Keller, et Sünd.
10* Leaves serrated, on both sides and along the edge with short, star-branched hairs ................................................................................ 11
11 Petals 6 - 8 mm long. Pods of the pods 4 - 8 mm long ........................................................................................ 4, — A. muralis Bertol.
11* Petals 8 - 10 mm long. Petioles of the pods 8 - 12 mm long ...................................................................................... 5. — A. collina Ten.¹Developed by Yv. Asenov.
From: „Флора на НР България”, том IV, БАН, София, (1970) * * *
Arabis /ˈɛərəbɪs/,[1] or rockcress, is a genus of flowering plants, within the family Brassicaceae, subfamily Brassicoideae.Description
The species are herbaceous, annual or perennial plants, growing to 10–80 cm tall, usually densely hairy, with simple entire to lobed leaves 1–6 cm long, and small white four-petaled flowers. The fruit is a long, slender capsule containing 10-20 or more seeds. Natural habitat for Arabis species is rocky mountain/cliff sides or dry sites[2] Cultivation of Arabis is best suited for rock gardens or container gardens[1]. This genus is pollinated by members of Apieae and Lepidoptera[2].
Though traditionally recognized as a large genus with many Old World and New World members, more recent evaluations of the relationships among these species using genetic data suggest there are two major groups within the old genus Arabis. These two groups are not each other's closest relatives, so have been split into two separate genera. Most of the Old World members remain in the genus Arabis, whereas most of the New World members have been moved into the genus Boechera, with only a few remaining in Arabis.[3][4]
Main article: List of Arabis species
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia * * *
Distribution in Bulgaria: (Conspectus of the Bulgarian Vascular Flora) = conspectus&gs_l= Zlc.
Distribution:References: „Флора на НР България”, том IV, БАН, София, (1970), Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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