Genus Cruciata Mill.

Mill., Gard. Dict, abr., ed. 4 (1754).

Genus:  Cruciata Mill.
English Name: Bedstraw


Perennial or annual herbaceous plants, rarely small semi-shrubs. Stems with four edges, glabrous or fibrous, smooth, rarely sticky, on the edges with little spines. Leaves sessile, 4 in vertebrae, simple, entire, almost round, broadly ovate, lance or elliptical, glabrous or fibrous, with 1 or 3 veins, with straight or more or less curved edges. Inflorescence complex, cymose, racemose, composed of located in the vertebrae axillary semi umbels, the latter at the base with 1 - 2 (-3) bracts or without such. The middle flowers in the penumbras are bisexual, the external with stamens or absent. The calyx is missing. Corolla 4-part, annular. Stamens 4. The ovary in each nest with 1 ovule. The style 2-part, lobes free or fused to 1/2 above the base, with spherical stigmas. The fruit is dry, from 1 (the other undeveloped) or 2 naked or fibrous nuts. Insect pollinated or self-pollinating plants. Propagated by seeds or vegetatively (with rhizome shoots). The fruits are carried away by the wind or epizoochor with parts or whole plants.

Table for determination of the species

1    The penumbras at the base with bracts .......................................................................................... 1. - C. laevipes Opiz.
1* The penumbras in the base without bracts ...................................................................................................................... 2
2 Stems smooth; flower stalks glabrous, rarely short-fibrous; perennials …………...……………. 2. - C. glabra (L.) Ehrend.
2* Stems rough from curved back little spines; flower petioles long fibrous; annual plants … 3. - C. pedemontana (Vel.) Ehrend.

From:    „Флора на Н. Р. България”, том IX, БАН, София, (1989)

Distribution in Bulgaria: (Conspectus of the Bulgarian Vascular Flora) = conspectus&gs_l= Zlc.

References: „Флора на Н. Р. България”, том IX, БАН, София, (1989)


Cruciata glabra (L.) Ehrend - not found a common name

Cruciata laevipes Opiz - Crosswort, Smooth bedstraw or Luc na croise


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