Genus Glechoma L.
Род 679 (18). САМОБАЙКА — GLECHOMA L.¹
L., Sp. PI., ed. 1 (1753) 578; Gen. PL, ed. 5 (1754) 251.
Fam: Labiatae Juss. (Lamiaceae)
Genus: Glechoma L.
English Name: Gill-over-the-groundDescription:
Perennial herbaceous plants with laid down, branched, rooted in the knots stems and upright ascending inflorescence stems. The leaves are broadly ovate, rounded to kidney, dull, jagged, with stems. Blossoms with short stems, collected in 2- to 5- blossom vertebrae in the bosoms of the middle and upper stem leaves. The bracts are linear, shorter than the blossom stems. The tubular bell-shaped calyx, straight, 15-veined and 5-teeth, more or less twin; the upper lip longer with 3 teeth and the lower one with 2 teeth. Twin-necked crown with straight upper in the part tube expanded; upper lip flat, 2-part; the lower lip 3-part with a larger than the lateral ovoid, flat, dull, serrated middle part. Stamens with parallel stems with right angles and hidden under the upper lip. The style is almost as long as the upper lip, the top divided into two equal parts. The walnuts are elliptical, smooth.
Table determination of the species 1 Calyx 5 - 6.5 mm long. The teeth of the upper lip of the calyx are triangular, 3 - 4 times shorter than the tube ................. 1. - G. hederacea L.
1* The calyx 7 to 11 mm long. The teeth of the upper lip of the calyx are linearly lance, almost as long as the tube or up to 2 times shorter .............. ..........................................................................................................................................................................2. - G. hirsuta Waldst. et Kit.
¹ Developed by Iv. Assenov.From: „Флора на Н. Р. България”, том IX, БАН, София, (1989)
* * * Glechoma is a genus of flowering plants in the mint family, Lamiaceae, first described for modern science in 1753. It is distributed in northern Asia and Europe with a center of diversity in Asia, especially China. One species is naturalized in New Zealand and in North America.[1][2][3][4]
These plants are perennial herbs with stolons. The stems are prostrate or upright and bear leaf blades on long petioles. The inflorescences arising from the leaf axils have two to many flowers. The tubular corolla has two lobed lips,[3] and is generally blue-violet.[2] The genus is closely related to Marmoritis[2] but closer still to Meehania, and some species have in the past been moved between the latter genus and Glechoma.[5]
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia * * *
References: „Флора на Н. Р. България”, том IX, БАН, София, (1989), Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Distribution in Bulgaria: (Conspectus of the Bulgarian Vascular Flora) = conspectus&gs_l= Zlc.
Glechoma hederacea L. - Ground-ivy, Gill-over-the-ground, ...
Glechoma hirsuta Waldst. et Kit. - no English name was found
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