Genus Inula L.
Род 767 (16). ОМАН - INULA L.¹
L., Sp. Pl. ed. 1 (1753) 881; Gen. Pl. ed. 5 (1754) 375; Greuter, Med-Checklist 2 (2008) 491
Fam: Asteraceae (Compositae)
Genus: Inula L.
English Name: YellowheadDescription: Half bushes or perennial rhizome plants, rarely biennial herbaceous plants. Stems single or several, erect or ascending, usually branched at the top, rarely simple, fibrous to woolly fibrous or almost glabrous. Leaves consecutive, entire, serrated or finely serrated, rarely entire, on petioles or sat down. Baskets heterogamous, with many blossoms, hemispherical to hemispherical disc-shaped, single or few to numerous, singly on petioles gathered in apical thyroid or paniculate complex inflorescences. Integumentary leaflets in several (up to 6 - 7) rows, unequal, rarely almost identical, tile-like overlapping, grassy, leathery or membranous, when ripening the fruits spread or folded back. Flower bed flat or slightly convex, bare without bracts. Blossoms uniformly colored, peripheral tongue (sometimes the tongue very short and difficult to notice), feminine, few to numerous, in 1 (2) order; inner tubular, bisexual, numerous, with a corolla on top 5-parted. The style with dull fibrous stigmas. Anthers linear, basically arrow-shaped, with 2 ciliated appendages. Fruits uniform, prismatic cylindrical, finely longitudinally ribbed, glabrous or shortly fibrous. The kite in a row, finely dusted, at the base free hairs. Insect pollinated; propagated by seeds and rhizome shoots.
Table for determining the species
1 The middle sheath leaflets towards the apex are heart-shaped; outer 5 - 10 mm wide; pagan flowers (20) 30 - 40 mm long ………………………………............................................................................................……….……… 1. - I. helenium L.
1* The middle integumentary leaflets towards the apex are not heart-shaped extended; peripheral narrower than 4 mm; tongue
blossoms shorter than 30 mm ………….............................................................................................................……………. 2
2 Naked ovaries and fruit …………………… …………………............................................…………………………… 3
2* Ovaries and fruit seeds at least in the upper half fibrous …………................................................………………………... 7
3 Tongue flowers equal to slightly longer than the leaflets ….…..................................................…...…… 2. - I. germanica L.
3* Tongue flowers clearly longer than the leaflets ………………..................................................…………………………… 4
4 Leaves with 3 - 7 (13) parallel veins, linear-lance or lance ……................................................…….…… 5. - I. ensifolia L.
4* Leaves with feathery-like veining, not linearly lance ……………....................................................……..…………………. 5
5 The peripheral integumentary leaflets are more or less equal in length to the inner ones; the leaves below are densely fibrous ………..………………………..................................................................................................……….……… 4. - I. hirta L.
5* The peripheral integumentary leaflets ovoid-shovel-like or oblong-lance, shorter than the inner; the leaves below on the veins
scattered fibrous to almost bare ................................................................................................................................................. 6
6 The upper stem leaves are hearth-shaped at the base, stem-covering …...................................................… 3. - I. salicina L.
6* The upper stem leaves are wedge-shaped or rounded at the base, non-stem-covering …………….……… - I. spiraeifolia L.
7 Tongue flowers not longer than the leaflets and noticeable or difficult to noticeable …......................................................….. 8
7* Tongue flowers clearly longer than the leaflets, clearly visible ……………….....................................................………….... 9
8 Middle and upper stem leaves stem-covering and descending; integumentary leaflets glandular fibrous ...................................... ………………………………………….........................................................................……………... 10. - I. bifrons (L.) L.
8* The middle and upper stem leaves are not stem-covering, not descending; the Integumentary leaflets are simply fibrous ……….……………........................................................................................………………...…………. 9. - I. conyzae DC.
9 The leaves below are white and fibrous; the kite of the fruit seeds from 5 - 10 (15) hairs ………… 8. I. aschersoniana Janka
9* The leaves below are gray-green or green; the kite of the fruit seeds of (15) 20 - 25 hairs ………………………………… 10
10 The tongue of the tongue blossoms 0.5 - 0.7 mm wide; peripheral integumentary leaves 7 - 12 mm long, longer than the inner ………………...………………......................................................................................................………... 6. - I. britanica L.
10* The tongue of the tongue blossoms 1 mm wide; perpheral integumentary leaves 4 - 8 mm, half shorter than the inner ...........…. ……………………………..….............................................................................................…………. 7. - I. oculus-christi L.
¹ Developed by † B. Kuzmanov.From: „Флора на Република България”, том XI, БАН, Академично издателство „Проф. Марин Дринов”, София, (2013), * * * * *
Inula is a large genus of about 90 species of flowering plants in the family Asteraceae, native to Europe, Asia and Africa.
They may be annuals, herbaceous perennials or subshrubs that vary greatly in size, from small species a few centimeters tall to enormous perennials over 3 m (10 ft) tall. They carry yellow daisy-like composite flowerheads often with narrow ray-florets.
Some common characteristics include pappus with bristles, flat capitulum, and lack of chaff.
Several species are popular flowers for the garden, with cultivation going back to antiquity. The smaller species are used in rock gardens and the more common larger ones, which tend to have very coarse foliage, in borders.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia * * * * *
The genus Inula is in the family Compositae in the major group Angiosperms (Flowering plants). › browse › Compositae › Inula * * * * *
Distribution in Bulgaria: (Conspectus of the Bulgarian Vascular Flora) = conspectus&gs_l= Zlc. Distribution: References: „Флора на Република България”, том XI, БАН, Академично издателство „Проф. Марин Дринов”, София, (2013), Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, › browse › Compositae › Inula
Inula ensifolia L. - Horseheal, Swordleaf inula
Inula germanica L. - There are no common names
Inula oculus-christi L. - Christ’s eye
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