Genus Orlaya Hoffm.

Hoffm., Gen. Umbell. ed. 1 (1814) 58

Fam:   Umbelliferae Juss. (Apiaceae}
Genus:   Orlaya Hoffm.
English Name: not found English name


Annual, almost completely bare or sparse fibrous plants. Stem erect, grooved, simple or branched at the base. Leaves 2 - 4 times cirrous divided with linear or ovate-lanceolate, lanceolate to oblong final shares; the main ones with petioles, the upper ones seated. The complex umbels with long petioles and 2 - 12 main rays, at the base with a shell of 2 - 5 lance, pointed, entire or at the top divided into 2, at the end with a wide white membranous stripe and cilia, in the middle green, almost equal in length to the main rays or 2 times shorter than them. The umbels at the base with a shell of 2 - 8 bracts. The blossoms are polygamous - bisexual and staminal. Calyx with acuminate teeth or. without teeth. Petals white or pink, oblong back heart-shaped, in the cut with a narrow, sharp, inwardly curved part, gradually narrowed at the base or suddenly passing into a short nail; the outer ones of the peripheral blossoms of the umbel 2 - 10 times larger than the others and deep, almost to the base two-part. Fruits elliptical-ovate or ovate-lance, strongly dorsally flattened, with 5 thin, filamentous, with numerous short bristles main ribs and 4 much better developed, rounded secondary ribs, with 1 - 3 rows at the base extended, and at the tip pointed spines; the channels are single below the secondary ribs and 2 on the inner side; the carpophor at the apex or almost to the middle bipartite; styles 4 - 5 times longer than the stylopodium; the endosperm in cross section with a crescent shape.

Table for determination of the species

1  Main rays 2 - 4. The outer petals of the final flowers 2 - 3 times longer than the others ..................................... 1. - O. daucoides (L.) Greuter
1* Main rays 5 - 12. The outer petals of the final flowers 5 - 10 times longer than the others ................................... 2
2   The spines on the dorsal secondary ribs of the fruit located in 2 to 3 rows, slightly curved forward and at the base not merging with each other. The leaves at the base of the main rays are equal to them or slightly shorter. The fruits are 6 - 9 mm long. Upper stem leaves entire or variegated  ……....................……… 2. - O. grandiflora (L.) Hoffm.
2* The spines on the dorsal secondary ribs of the fruit located in 1 or partly in 2 rows, strongly pressed and bent forward and merging with each other at the base. The leaves at the base of the main rays are twice as short as them. The fruits are 9 - 11 mm long. The upper stem leaves 2 - 3 times pinnately divided ........... 3. - O. daucorlaya Murb,
¹ Developed by Yv. Assenov.

From:   „Флора на Н. Р. България”, том VIII, БАН, София, (1982)

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Orlaya is a genus of flowering plants from Europe in the family Apiaceae, with between 1 and 11 species.[1] They are annuals with finely-divided leaves, and umbels of lacy pink or white flowers. O. grandiflora, white laceflower, is well-known and widely cultivated as an ornamental in the UK and elsewhere. It has gained the Royal Horticultural Society’s Award of Garden Merit.[2][3]

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Distribution in Bulgaria: (Conspectus of the Bulgarian Vascular Flora) = conspectus&gs_l= Zlc.

References: „Флора на Н. Р. България”, том VIII, БАН, София, (1982), Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Orlaya grandiflora (L.) Hoffm. - White flower, White lace flower



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