Genus Smyrniun L.

Род 543 (19). ТРИБЕЛ — SMYRNIUM L.¹

L., Sp. PI. ed. 1 (1753) 262; Gen. PI. ed. 5 (1754) 127

Fam:   Umbelliferae Juss. (Apiaceae)
Genus:   Smyrniun L.
English Name: x   x   x


Biennial plants c turnip-similar thickened root. Single stem, erect, cylindrical or angular, edges with or without wings, thick or hollow, at the top or just top branched consecutive or opposite twigs, naked or only on the wing with stellate cloth. Leaves bare; basal and lower stems 2 - 3 times triple split, with stems; middle stem (leaves) triple with large vaginas, and the above entire or chopped, sessile. Complex umbrellas with 5 - 20 main beams, in the base without sheath; multiblossom awnings, without bracts. Blossoms polygamous. Calyx almost without teeth or with very short teeth. Petals yellow or greenish yellow, extended back ovoid or lance, the tip tapered and curved inward, at the base with short fingernail. Fruits reniform with 2 almost globular halves, slightly laterally flattened, at the base heart-like, when ripe reddish brown, dark brown to nearly black, smooth, with a slightly protruding ribs; stilopodiumat short conical; bars in the fruit spread, curved downwards a shorter or longer than stilopodiuma; Karpoforo until the middle or near the base duple; merikarps spherical ovoid to inside narrower, on the outer main ribs to 3, in which cross the vascular bundles; Channels  are numerous; endosperm inside the deep and wide concave with curved edges, the sections in the transverse of horseshoe shape.

Table for determining the species

1     The stem edges winged. The upper leaves dumb jagged, sometimes only slightly .......................................... 1. - S. perfoliatum L.
1*  The stem edges without wings or only one of the edges very closely wing. The upper leaves entire, less often very shallow serrated ........................................................................................................................................................................ 2. - S. rotundifolium Mill.
¹ developed  by Iv. Assenov
From  „Флора на НР България”, том VIII, БАН, София, (1982)

References: „Флора на НР България”, том VIII, БАН, София, (1982)

Distribution in Bulgaria: (Conspectus of the Bulgarian Vascular Flora) = conspectus&gs_l= Zlc.


Smyrnium perfoliatum L. - Perfoliate alexanders


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