Jacobaea pancicii (Degen) Vladimirov & Raab-Straube

3205 (4). J. pancicii (Degen) Vladimirov & Raab-Straube, Med-Checklist 2 (2008) 502; Senecio pancicii Degen, Magyar Bot. Lapok 1 (1902) 92; Hayek, Prodr. Fl. Penins. Balc. 2 (19310 679; Стоян., Стеф., Фл. Бълг. изд. 2 (1933) 1017, p. max. p. (excl. S. erubescens var. arnautorum); Chater & Walters, Fl. Eur. 4 (1976) 201; S. erubescens Pančic, Elem. Fl. Bulg. (1883) 41 non Aiton (1813); Velen., Fl. Bulg. (1891) 255; Стоян., Стеф., op. c. изд. 1, 2 (1925) 1145, p. max. p. (excl. S. erubescens var. arnautorum) - Панчичева якобеа 

Fam:   Asteraceae Berncht & J. Presl. (nom. alt Compositae Giseke)
Genus:   Jacobaea Mill.
Species: Jacobaea pancicii (Degen) Vladimirov & Raab-Straube
English Name: not known english name


Perennial plant. The rhizome short. Stems 25 - 60 cm tall, erect, shallow to unclear longitudinally striated, branched only in the area of ​​the inflorescence, covered with leaves  along their entire length, diluted spider web similar fibrous, often reddish. The leaves are rapidly decreasing in size from the bottom to the top, diluted spider web similar fibrous up to almost nude, sometimes on the edge glandular groin; the leaf blade of the basal and lower stem leaves 5 - 10 cm long, 1.5 - 4.5 cm wide, ovate to oblong elliptical, large toothed to cut at the base, with almost equal or to 2 (2.5) times longer petiole; the upper stem leaves sitting down, lance, feather-like cut up to lyre similar, with ears in the base. Baskets (1) 2 - 8, fresh in flowering 30 - 40 mm wide, collected in thyroid inflorescence. The wrap 7 - 9 (10) mm long, 9 - 13 (15) mm wide, panicked. The bract leaflets are 5 - 8, 4 - 6 mm long, about 0.5 mm wide, linearly lance, overlapping the wrap from 1/2 to 2/3 of the its length. The wrap leaflets are 18 - 22, 7 - 9 mm long, 1 - 2 mm wide, lance, purple, spider web similar fibrous (at the base thicker) to almost nude, on the edge purple tunics, grooves in the upper part. The tongue similar flowers are 16 - 20, 10 - 14 mm long, the little tongue 8 - 11 mm long, 2-3 mm wide, elliptical or elliptic lance, tops shallow toothed to almost entire, orange or reddish. Fruit trees 2,5 - 3 mm long, naked; kite 5 - 6 mm, dirty white.

Ту pus: Senecio pancicii Degen - in monte Cmi vrh planina Scardi, leg. Bierbach (BP - ? n.v.).

From:   „Флора на Република България”, том XI, БАН, София, (2013)

Post scriptum: During the years 1960 - 2006 I photographed several times Senecio pancicii Deg. of Vitosha Mountain. Only a plant in the marsh below Голи връх was known. The species was included in the "Red Data Book of the People's Republic of Bulgaria", Volume I Plants, Ed. BAS, КОПС, (1984) as a rare species, Balkan endemic. Not included in the new edition of the Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria, (2015)

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Senecio pancicii Degen is a synonym of Jacobaea arnautorum (Velen.) Pelser

This name is a synonym of Jacobaea arnautorum (Velen.) Pelser.
The record derives from TICA which reports it as a synonym (record 50B309E8-9D01-4E67-9980-752772DAD39C) with original publication details: Degen in Magyar Bot. Lapok 1. 1902. 92 1902.
Full publication details for this name can be found in IPNI:

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Панчичев спореж (Senecio pancicii)

Наименование на български: Панчичев спореж
Наименование на латински: Senecio pancicii
Наименование на английски: -
Вид: Многогодишно тревисто растение

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Senecio pancicii Degen 1902
= S. erubescens Panč. 1883: 20 non Ait.
= S. balkanus Panč. in sched 1880 «nom. nudum»

Pun naziv taksona:
Senecio pancicii Degen, Mag. Bot. Lapok 1: 92 (1902)

Locus. classicus:. Tri čuke - Stara planina (Pančić 1883: 20).
Holotypus: Stara planina, Tri čuke, Pančić 10204, sub. Senecio balkanus, BEOU!
Lectotypus: Stara planina, Kopren, Pančić 10205, sub. Senecio balkanus, 1880, BEOU!; Stara planina, Tri čuke, in uliginosis et rivularibus, Pančić 10221, sub. Senecio erubescens Panč., 1882, BEOU!

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Senecio pancicii Degen

This is a synonym of Jacobaea pancicii (Degen) Vladimir. & Raab-Straube

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Flowering Time: Blooms: V - IX, fruitful: VII-XI.

Distribution in Bulgaria: Grows in damp grassy and marshy places, marshes and peat bogs in the high altitude belt. Western and Central Stara Planina, Vitosha, Vitosha, Pirin, Rila, Western and Central Rhodopes Mountains, from 1400 to 2300 (2500) m altitude. (Conspectus of the Bulgarian Vascular Flora) = conspectus&gs_l= Zlc.

Distribution: Bulgaria, Serbia and the Republic of Northern Macedonia. Balkan endemic.

Conservation status and threats: not protected species in Bulgaria by the Biodiversity Law. - Biological Diversity Act -

Medical plant: yes, it is - Medicinal Plants Act -

References: „Флора на Република България”, том XI, БАН, София, (2013),,,, Jacobaea pancicii (Degen) Vladimir. & Raab-Straube


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