Leontodon autumnalis L.

2976. (1). L. autumnalis L. (Тревисто многогодищно растение)

Fam:   Asteraceae (Compositae)
Genus:   Leontodon L.
Species: Leontodon autumnalis L.
English Name: Autumn hawkbit


2976. (1). L. autumnalis L. (Herbaceous perennial) - From the meadows. Distributed throughout Bulgaria — from the plains to the high mountain belt (1-3). VII — IX.

Honey plant

From:    „Флора на България”, Н. Стоянов, Б. Стефанов, Б. Китанов, част II, Наука и Изкуство, София, (1967)

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Leontodon autumnalis L. Scorzoneroides autumnalis, commonly called autumn hawkbit, is a perennial plant species, widespread in its native range in Eurasia (from Europe east to western Siberia), and introduced in North America.
Scorzoneroides autumnalis, commonly called autumn hawkbit,[2] is a perennial plant species, widespread in its native range in Eurasia (from Europe east to western Siberia),[3] and introduced in North America.[4]
The plant is sometimes called fall dandelion, because it is very similar to the common dandelion (one of the main differences being a branched stem with several capitula[5]), but "yellow fields", covered by this plant appear much later than dandelions, towards the autumn in the Eastern Europe. In the Latin synonym of the plant name, Leontodon autumnalis,[6]"leontodon" means "lion's tooth", the same as "dandelion".


Scorzoneroides autumnalis is a perennial herb growing to 35 cm high usually with branched stems and several flower-heads each about 30 mm across. The florets are all ligulate and bright yellow. The leaves are all basal and linear-oblong.[6]
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Leontodon autumnalis L. is a synonym of Scorzoneroides autumnalis (L.) Moench

This name is a synonym of Scorzoneroides autumnalis (L.) Moench.
The record derives from TICA (data supplied on 2012-02-11) which reports it as a synonym (record DDC5E759-8473-4B2C-BFA1-CFE724BF7B58) with original publication details: Sp. Pl. 798 1753.
Full publication details for this name can be found in IPNI:

Leontodon autumnalis L. is an accepted name

This name is the accepted name of a species in the genus Leontodon (family Compositae).
The record derives from TICA which reports it as an accepted name (record DDC5E759-8473-4B2C-BFA1-CFE724BF7B58) with original publication details: Sp. Pl. 798. 1753 798 1753.
Full publication details for this name can be found in IPNI:

From: › tpl › record › gcc-124093

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Flowering Time: Blooms: VII - IX

Distribution in Bulgaria: Grows in meadows. Distributed throughout Bulgaria - from the plains to the high mountain belt at an altitude of 0 to 3000 meters. (Conspectus of the Bulgarian Vascular Flora) = conspectus&gs_l= Zlc.


Conservation status and threats: not protected species in Bulgaria by the Biodiversity Law. - Biological Diversity Act -

Medical plant: it is not - Medicinal Plants Act -

References: „Флора на България”, Н. Стоянов, Б. Стефанов, Б. Китанов, част II, Наука и Изкуство, София, (1967), › tpl › record › gcc-124093

1. 2.


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