Polygala alpestris Reichenb.

2008 (12). P. alpestris Reichenb., PI. Crit. I (1823) 25; Boiss., Fl. Or. I (1867) 476; Hayek, Prodr. Fl. Penins. Balc. I (1925) 597; McNeill, Fl. Eur. II (1968) 235 — Алпийска телчарка 

Fam:   Polygalaceae R. BR.
Genus:   Polygala L.
Species: Polygala alpestris Reichenb.
English Name: Mountain milkwort


Perennial plant. Stems ascending or lying down, 7 - 15 cm long, unbranched, at the base not stiff and without rosettes, single or several, short curly fibrous. Leaves 7 - 9 (10) mm long, 1.5 - 2.5 mm wide, shortening to the base, lance or lance elliptic, with 1 not branched vein, along the curved edge and rarely along the midrib shortly curly fibrous; basal leaves broadly elliptic to broadly elliptical lanceolate. Colored handles up to 5 mm long or missing. Inflorescences upper, dense, with 5 – 20 blossoms. Bracts 1.0 - 1.5 mm long, shorter than or equal to the blossom petioles, lance, on the edge fringed, ciliate, not falling, not forming a hood at the top of the inflorescence. Blossom petioles 1.5 - 2.0 mm long, glabrous. Sepals (2.0) 2.5 - 3.0 mm long, 1/3 to half the length of the wings, uniform, straight, elliptical to narrowly ovate, green, marginally ciliate; wings 4 - 6 mm long, 3 - 4 mm wide, slightly longer than the box, narrower or equal to her, ovate to back ovate, 3 - 4 weakly branched veins, base without claw, short pointed, pink. Corolla equal to wings, pink to purple; tube to half of the wings equal to the free part of the petals, slightly swollen at the base; petals at base with ears, straight; the tuft of 2 - 3 loosely tufted bundles. The style shorter than the carpellum. Stamens up to 2/3 fused with the tube. Box heart-shaped, narrowly symmetrical with wings, on the top concave, sitting down. Seeds 2.0 - 2.5 mm long, the shares of the appendages lance, almost equal to each other, up to 1/3 of their length.

Note. Our plants (SO) show some transience between the two subspecies - subsp. alpestris and subsp. croatica (Chodat) Hayek, but they can definitely be referred to as the typical subspecies.

From:   „Флора на Н Р България”, том VII, БАН, София, (1979)

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Polygala alpestris Rchb. is an accepted name

This name is the accepted name of a species in the genus Polygala (family Polygalaceae).
The record derives from WCSP (in review) (data supplied on 2012-03-23) which reports it as an accepted name with original publication details: Iconogr. Bot. Pl. Crit. 1: 25 1823.
Full publication details for this name can be found in IPNI:


No synonyms are recorded for this name.

Infraspecific taxa:

This species contains the following infraspecific taxa*.
See "Status""Confidence level""Source" for definitions.

Polygala alpestris subsp.croatica (Chodat) Hayek



WCSP (in review)



Polygala alpestris subsp.angelisii (Ten.) Nyman



WCSP (in review)



From: › tpl1.1 › record › kew-2565853

*     *     *

Flowering Time: Blooms: V - VII, fruitful: VI - VIII.

Distribution in Bulgaria: Growing in grassy places, in the mountains, on limestone. Middle and Western (Beglika) Rhodopes, from 1400 to 1600 m altitude. (Conspectus of the Bulgarian Vascular Flora) = conspectus&gs_l= Zlc.

Distribution: Central and Southern (Balkan Peninsula and Northern Apennine Peninsula) Europe.

Conservation status and threats: protected species in Bulgaria by the Biodiversity Law. - Biological Diversity Act -

Medical plant: no, it is not medical plant - Medicinal Plants Act -

References: „Флора на Н Р България”, том VII, БАН, София, (1979), › tpl1.1 › record › kew-2565853

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