Rosa pendulina L.
1499 (26). R. pendulum L., Sp. Pl. ed. 1 (1753) 492; Hayek, Prodr. Fl. Penins. Balc. I (1926) 740; Klášt., Fl. Eur. II (1968) 28; R. alpina L., Sp. PI. ed. 2 (1762) 703; R. pendulina var. alpina (L.) Stoj. et Stef., Фл. Бълг., изд. 1, I (1924) 604; R. reversa Koch, Syn. Fl. Germ. ed. 1 (1835) 223 non Waldst. et Kit.; R. rupestris Crantz, Stirp. Austr. ed. 1, II (1763) 23 — Алпийска шипка
Fam: Rosaceae Juss.
Genus: Rosa L.
Species: Rosa pendulina L.
English Name: х х хDescription: ђ. Shrub. Stems 1 - 2 m tall, with erect or slightly arched twigs. Spikes thin, needle-like, too weak, usually densely spaced at the bottom of the branches, in the upper part almost missing. Leaves 6 - 12 cm long; leaf stems covered with hairs with admixture of glandular bristles, rarely naked. The stipule broad, glandular ciliated on the edge, at the top with distant ovate lancet ears. Leaves 5 - 7 (9), elongated ovoid to elliptic elongated, usually with acute glandular teeth, top green, below gray-green, with hairs or glands at least on the mainstream. Flowers 4 - 6 cm in diameter, single or 2 - 3 in inflorescence; flower stems up to 2.5 cm long, usually glandular. Sepals extensively elongated, at the top with a fold-like extension, entire, outer rare with single filamentous side appendages, on the outside mostly with glandular hairs, rarely naked, from the inner white, dry, equal to the length of petals, rarely longer Blossoming stand up, very close, do not fall with mature fruit. Petals red to dark red. The stigmas are collected in a seated white, fibrous head. Fruits heavily elongated or back ovoid, covered with plenty of glandular hairs, rarely naked, red, after ripening bent down.
Business importance. Decorative plant. Fruits are valuable to the food industry, they contain vitamin C on average 1500 - 1640 mg% of raw mass.
Note. The Alpine hips show variability in the intensity of the intense disposition of the hairs, glandular hairs, spikes, the shape of the leaves and the fetus. This variability is related to the individual development of bushes under different ecological conditions. Specified intra-species taxa are included in the species population and do not have a taxonomic value.
Flowering Time: Blooms: V - VI.
References: From „Флора на НР България”, том V, БАН, София, (1973)
Distribution in Bulgaria: Growing through forests and forest clearings, on rocks and rocky heaps, along streams, everywhere in the mountain and the high mountain belt. Widespread, between 1,000 - 2,500 meters altitude. (Conspectus of the Bulgarian Vascular Flora) = conspectus&gs_l= Zlc.
Distribution: Central and Southern Europe
Conservation status and threats: not protected species in Bulgaria by the Biodiversity Law. - Biological Diversity Act -
Medical plant: it is not - Medicinal Plants Act -
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