Trifolium ochroleucon Huds.

1835 (52). T. ochroleucon Huds., Fl. Angl. (1762) 283; Hayek, Prodr. FJ. . Penins. Balc. I (1926) 870; Стоян., Сборн. БАН 26 (1930) 111; Бобров, Фл. Сист. Высш. раст. VI (1947) 270; Coombe, Fl. Eur. II (1968) 171 — Бледожълта детелина

Fam:   Leguminosae Juss. (Fabaceae)
Genus:   Trifolium L.
Species: Trifolium ochroleucon Huds.
English Name: Sulfur clover


Perennial plant. Rhizome vertically or obliquely. Stems single or up to 9, (10.0) 20.0 - 40.0 (50.0) cm high, ascending, rarely erect, sparsely branched or simple, more or less densely spread or fitting fibrous, or lower half naked. Stipule extended or linear lancet, long styliform, triangular drained, entire, without small ears, in bottom tunicates, the top grassy, with 2 - 5 unbranched green streaks, 1/2 of its length connate with petiole, more or less spread long fiber, longer than the upper and much shorter than the lower leaf petioles, internodes equal to or much shorter than them. Lower stem leaves with fibrous, 5 - 7 times longer than the leaves, spread fibrous stems, often develops rosette similar basal tuft, leaves on long stems. Leaflets 10.0 - 30.0 (50.0) mm long and 5.0 - 15.0 (20.0) mm wide, lanceolate, lance elliptical, broad or narrow a short or long elliptic, ovate to elliptic ovoid , edge unclear toothed or entire, atop entire or concave, often bearded, with 20 - 35 straight, deep dichotomous branched streaks, those of basal leaves often smaller, ovoid, elliptical, all equal to each other, all on equal to each other 0,5 mm long outstretched fibrous stems. Heads 10.0 - 30.0 (40.0) mm long, spherical, ovoid or oval, thin, single, sessile and base sheathed with in inflorescence leaves or shorter than their stems. Flowers 15.0 - 18.0 (20.0) mm long, slightly diverted from inflorescence axis, sessile, without bracts. Calyx 7.0 - 10.0 (12.0) mm long; bell shaped tube, white pericarp, with 10 - 13 more or less convex or unclear veins, scattered semi outspread fiber, throat closed by a ring of hairs; styliform teeth linear to triangular wedge, green, pale green at the top, wherein the beans highly deviated strongly unequal to each other, the bottom 1.5 - 3 times longer than the tube, the upper 4 equal to each other and up to 2 times shorter, equal to or longer than tube, at least based on longer or shorter fibrous spread at the base often wider, with one clear reaching the top 3 and vague basal veins, slightly calloused glandular or smooth . Corolla pale yellow to dull, yellow and white or pink, after overblown red brown, 1.5 - 2 times longer than the calyx. Flag 1/3 longer than the wings, lance, in the middle broadened, the base suddenly becomes narrow in short wide nail smoothly. The wings equal to the keel, with a lance sickle equal to the ribbon leaf blade claw, tongue 3 - 4 times shorter than the nail, widely. The keel with elliptical lanceolate equal nail fibrous leaf blade, tongue underdeveloped. Beans egg-shaped,  slightly exceeds the tube or hidden in it, monocotyledon, webbed on the top cartilage.


1    Bottom tooth of the calyx 2 - 3 times longer than the tube, at the base wide triangular with 3 stripped of the remaining tube equal to or longer than it; tube with vague streaks. Leaflets 30.0 - 40.0 (50.0) mm long and 10.0 - 15.0 (20.0) mm wide, elliptical lance ....................................... subsp. caucasicum (Tausch) Kož., comb, et st. n .; T. caucasicum Tausch, Sylloge Ratisb. II (1828) 245; Bobrov, op. c. p. 269. Northeastern Bulgaria (Karakuz - Silistra), Eastern Stara Planina (Avren plateau).
1*  Bottom tooth of the calyx at most 2 times longer than the tube, at the base narrower and 1 streak, the other shorter than tube; tube with clear deep streaks. Leaflets 10.0 - 30.0 (40.0) mm long and 0.5 - 10.0 (15.0) mm wide, narrowly elliptical lance  to lanceolate or ovate, rarely short elliptical ............................. subsp. ochroleucon. Widespread .................................................................................................................................. 2
2    Teeth at the base densely long fibrous, at the top almost bare. Heads 10.0 - 15.0 mm. The stems to the base of highly fibrous spread, at the base richly coated with webbed stipule of old leaves. Stipule internodes equal to or up to 2 times shorter var. grancarovii Kož., var. n. in Addenda. Northeast Bulgaria (Tutrakan).
2* Teeth at the base not much more densely fibrous than the medium and peak part  or steady fibrous. Heads 15.0 - 40.0 mm long. Stems at least at the bottom of bare or sparsely-fitting fiber. Stipule much shorter than internodes ............................................................................................... 3
3   At least three lower leflets 10.0 - 15.0 mm long, ovoid, elliptical or broadly elliptical, concave on top, basically forming rosettes, above Lance lance or elliptical to elliptical, on the top entire, bearded. ………………….. var heterifolium Kož., Var. n. in Addenda. Eastern Stara Planina Danubian Plain (Pleven), Fore (Gabrovo) Average mountain forest (Lozen Mountain) Znepole region (Golo Brdo), Rila (Parangalitsa), Thracian Lowland.
3* All leflets longer than 15.0 mm, elliptical or broadly elliptical to lance elliptical, on the top entire, bearded ...................................................... 4
4    A bottom tooth of the calyx equal to the tube or slightly longer, above to 2 times shorter than it  ………….. var. brevidentatum Kož., var. n. in Addenda. Danubian Plain, Rila (Samokov), Thracian Lowland.
4* A bottom tooth of the calyx up to 2 times longer than the tube, the other slightly shorter than it ....................................……………………..  5
5 Corolla yellow-white ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
5* Corolla pink …………. var. roseum (J. Presl) Guss., Fl. Sic. Pr. II (1828) 498; T. roseum J. Presl, Delic. Prag (1822) 50; Stoian., Op. c. p. 113. Black Sea coast (Varna region, Balchik), Northeast Bulgaria (Razgrad).
6    Plants 35.0 - 50.0 cm tall, form dense clumps, upright, with numerous (10 - 20) stems  .................................................... var. macranthum Kož., var. n. in Addenda. Widespread.
6* Plants under 35.0 cm high, often low, form loose clumps ............................................................................. var. ochroleucon. Widespread.

Note. In Strandja and Eastern Average mountain forest collected samples with very long lower teeth but relatively narrow and with a streak and a significantly smaller leaflets (SOM 45998 - Resovo; 46000 - Vassiliko and 46010 - Yavashov) They should be considered as transitional forms between the two subspecies.
From „Флора на НР България”, том VI, БАН, София, (1976)

*   *   *

Flowering Time: Blooms: VI - VII, fruitful: VII - IX.

References: „Флора на НР България”, том VI, БАН, София, (1976)

Distribution in Bulgaria: Grow in moderately moist and open places in sparse forests and bushes in the lowlands, foothills and mountains. Spread up to 1600 m altitude. (Conspectus of the Bulgarian Vascular Flora) = conspectus&gs_l= Zlc.

Distribution: Western, Central and Southern Europe (up to Northeast Ukraine and Bessarabia).

Conservation status and threats: not protected species in Bulgaria by the Biodiversity Law. - Biological Diversity Act -

Medical plant: it is not - Medicinal Plants Act -

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


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