Viola orbelica Panč.

2091 (28). V. orbelica Panč., Elem. Fl. Princ. Bulg. (1883) 16 nom. et in Mag. Bot. Lap. XXXII (1933) 9; Vel., Fl. Bulg. (1891) 53; V. saxatilis F. Schmidt subsp. macedonica (Boiss. et Heldr.) Hayek f. orbelica (Pane.) Hayek Prodr. Fl. Penins. Balc. I (1925) 517; V. alpestris DC. f. orbelica (Panč.) Becker Beih. Bot. Centralbl. XXVI, 2 (1910) 345 — Рилска теменуга

Fam:   Violaceae Batsch
Genus:   Viola L.
Species: Viola orbelica Panč.
English Name: Alpine yellow-violet, Arctic yellow violet, or Twoflower violet


An annual or biennial gray-white, dense, short bristly fibrous plant. Stems raised, rarely erect, 10 - 30 cm high, usually branched from the base. Leaves obtusely serrated, lower rounded, elliptical or back ovoid, 6 - 12 mm long, 5 - 11 mm wide, 2 (3) times shorter than the leaf blade petiole, often during  flowering dried up; middle spatulate to lance, often asymmetrical, 8 - 13 mm long, 4 - 7 mm wide, rounded or pointed, wedge-shaped narrowed at the base in 1.5 - 2 times shorter than the leaf blade winged leaf blade; upper lance or linear-lance, almost spatulate, 9 - 25 mm long, 3 - 5 mm wide, with 3 - 6 times shorter than the leaf blade winged petiole. Stipules densely short fibrous, 10 - 25 mm long, 5 - 14 mm wide, 2 - 3 times shorter, and on the middle and upper leaves 2 - 3 times longer than the leaf oetioles; on the lower leaves linear or linearly spatulate, basically mainly on the outer side with 1 - 5 short shares, rarely entire; of the middle lance, feathery divided, the lateral shares 3 - 5 outer and 2 - 3 inner linear, 5 - 10 times longer than the undivided part, the middle lobe oblong-lanceolate or linear-spatulate, entire or toothed with a petiole almost equal to leaf blade; on the upper leaves lance or lance ovate, feathery divided, with linear lateral and spatulate middle share, narrowed in broad wings, unclear petiole. Flower petioles 5 - 10 cm long, glabrous or bristly to the middle, with bracts in the upper third. Flowers 1 - 3 (5) per stem, single in the axils of the middle and upper leaves, round or obovate, 1.4 - 2.0 cm high and 1.2 - 1.7 cm wide, odorless. Sepals oblong-lance, pointed, glabrous, rarely bristly, ciliated or entire at the edge, with appendages 7 - 10 mm long, 2 - 3 mm wide; appendages rectangular or rounded, often serrated, 2 - 3 mm long. Petals yellow, basically orange, obovate to oblong obovate; upper 8 - 13 mm long, 4 - 7 mm wide, spread up and sideways; lateral 7 - 11 mm long, 4 - 6 mm wide, curved to the top and sides, at the base with cilia; lower together with the spur 14 - 22 mm long, 6 - 8 mm wide, triangular back ovoid, at the base narrowed into 3 - 4 mm long claw and 5 - 6 mm long, pale purple or greenish, saddle-shaped, 2 - 2.5 times longer than the calyx appendages spur. The ovary naked; the style is curved from the base, extended upwards; the stigma whole, spherical to conically converse. Fruit petiole straight. The box is oblong-ovate, pointed, 6 - 9 mm long, 4 - 5 mm wide, yellow-brown, naked. Seeds light brown, oblong-ovate, 2.0 - 2.5 mm long, 0.7 - 1.0 mm wide; appendage short.

Note. V. orbelica Panč, is close to V. tricolor subsp. macedonica (Boiss. et Heldr.) A. Sehmidt and V. gracilis Sibth. et Sm. It differs from them in the leaves, which are significantly narrower, and especially in the stipules, which are deeply (almost to the middle vein) pinnately divided, with lateral lobes 5 - 10, not 2 - 4, respectively 3 - 5 times longer than the undivided part of the stipule and the considerably narrower and longer middle part. It also differs from the first species in the nature of its hair, and from the second in that it is a biennial (annual) and not a perennial plant.

From:   „Флора на Н Р България”, том VII, Изд. на Б А Н, София, (1979)

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Viola orbelica Pančić is an accepted name

This name is the accepted name of a species in the genus Viola (family Violaceae).
The record derives from WCSP (in review) (data supplied on 2012-03-26) which reports it as an accepted name with original publication details: Elem. Fl. Bulg. 16 1883.


No synonyms are recorded for this name.

Viola orbelica Pančić — The Plant List › tpl1.1 › record › kew-2459243

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ДПП Рилски манастир | Защитени видове
Рилска теменуга (Viola orbelica)

Описание: Едногодишно или двугодишно тревисто растение.Стъблото му достига 
до 30 см. Листата тъпоназъбени, долните закръглени. Венчелистчетата жълти, в основата оранжеви.Размножава се със семена. Местообитание:По тревисти , скално сипейни и в храсталаци от 1200 – 2000 м н.в.
Цъфти: юни- август.
Екостатус: Български  ендемит. Видът е включен в ЧКнига на РБългария и в Закона за биологично разнообразие.

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Viola orbelica :: Red Data Book of Bulgaria - ecodb

Viola orbelica

Viola orbelica Pančić
Violaceae – Violet Family
Conservation status. Vulnerable [VU B2ab(ii,v)]. BDA. Balkan endemic.

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Flowering Time: Blooms: VI - VIII, fruitful: VII - IX.

References: „Флора на Н Р България”, том VII, Изд. на Б А Н, София, (1979), › tpl1.1 › record › kew-2459243,
ДПП Рилски манастир | Защитени видове Рилска теменуга (Viola orbelica)
Viola orbelica :: Red Data Book of Bulgaria - ecodb

Distribution in Bulgaria: Growing in grassy, rocky places and in bushes above the upper border of the forest. Rila, Pirin, from 1200 to 2000 m altitude. Bulgarian Endemic.

It is mentioned for Sredna Stara Planina (Vel., 1898; Urum., 1908, 1929), Osogovo Mountain (Urum., 1923), Middle Rhodopes (Dav., 1915, Kitan., 1943) instead of V. gracilis Sibth. et Sm. or V. aetolica Boiss. et Heldr. Note. V. orbelica Panč, is close to V. tricolor subsp. macedonica (Boiss. et Heldr.) A. Schmidt and V. gracilis Sibth. et Sm. It differs from them in the leaves, which are significantly narrower, and especially in the stipules, which are deeply (almost to the middle vein) pinnately divided, with lateral shares 5 - 10, not 2 - 4, respectively 3 - 5 times longer than the undivided part of the stipule and the considerably narrower and longer middle part. It also differs from the first species in the nature of its hair, and from the second in that it is a biennial (annual) and not a perennial plant. (Conspectus of the Bulgarian Vascular Flora) = conspectus&gs_l= Zlc.

Distribution: Bulgarian Endemic.

Conservation status and threats: protected species in Bulgaria by the Biodiversity Law. - Biological Diversity Act -

Medical plant: no, it is not - Medicinal Plants Act -


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